Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The Sister Formulation

I am the oldest of four children. I have two sisters and a brother.

We're all pretty decent human beings, and we TOTALLY succumb to that old saying about siblings. Something along the lines of "We will fight each other tooth and nail but if someone ELSE f*cks with us they are DEAD MEAT."

Or something like that.


We all agreed at somewhat the last minute (seriously, it was impressive how quickly we got all four of us to agree to do something in less than a week) to meet at our mother's house to help her with yardwork.

She's not super old, but she's had knee replacements so yardwork can be tough for her. We let her stay inside with Anna (harsh, I know, for a first time grandmother) while we cleared leaves, laid mulch, and cleaned up the junkyard that had become our backyard. My brother likes to work on cars, and my younger sister (let's call her C) is a kleptomaniac, so there's a LOT of crap back there.

As in, we were driving home one night, and she suddenly screams out "STOP THE CAR!" I pull over in a panic, narrowly avoiding decimating someone's mailbox, and she jumps out of the car, grabs a ROAD CONE and jumps back in. "OK, go," she says casually.

We have a large collection of road cones. Not to mention street signs. To be fair we inherited about 50% of them from other neighbors. The 7 foot tall orange "Men at Work" sign is all us though.

As we were dumping leaves into the back woods, my older younger sister (you do the math - we'll call her M) says.

"I don't mind bugs, but I hate insects. You know, like snakes."


I debated whether to call her on it or not. I decided to play the nice sister for the day and left it alone.

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