Monday, April 22, 2013

The Curtain Revelation

My pumping lair station is in our study. That way, of course, I can type blog posts while I pump. (By the way, sports bras with tiny holes cut in them make MUCH better pump holders than the store designed ones.)

I'll wait while that image sinks in gets flushed from your brain.

As I pump every four hours or so, I tend to need light to see how the milking is coming. At night, I turn on the lamp, and during the day I just pull back one of the curtains.

Until tonight.

When I noticed I could see our lamppost pretty clearly. Through the curtain.

We live at the top of a hill, and cars basically look straight at our house and through our windows as they approach the top.

So basically, I've been giving everyone a great shot of my breasts every four hours for the last month and a half.


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