Saturday, November 23, 2013

The Working Complexity


One of the most awkward things ever, both to do and in conversation. One of the worst parts is finding a place to pump. Especially at work. Where you don't have an office. And have to publicly ask others (granted, offices of other moms that have done what you are doing) to use their office and could they please take a coffee break you'll even pay for it just lock the door on your way out K thanks.

Most awkward place? Bosses office. Weirdest? Waste management plant. Not the grossest, though. I found out my sister in law pumped in a bar room bathroom once during my bachelorette party.

She must REALLY like me.

And I just had to chat with a coworker and friend about it. One of the moms in her preschool class really wants to meet me (I did her a teeny favor once). Like really wants to meet me. And asks each class to meet me. The coworker has politely declined, bunlet it slip once that I can't meet during that time because I'm pumping. How do I know? Said mom called me to register her son and again expressed the desire to meet me...but mentioned she knew I was pumping during the class and thus unavailable.

Talk about freaking awkward.

Ugh. Now when I do meet her she'll just be looking at my boobs. Great.

I suppose it could have been worse. Could've been a dad. Yikes.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

The Princess Postulate

My aunt got Anna a Disney princess castle before she was born.

When we moved in, we finally unpacked that sucker (mostly because I wanted to play with it) and all the additional princesses and princes and superheroes we had bought along the way.

The sucky part of it is only the princesses work-none of the princes say a thing! And only the favorites are represented: Cinderella, Snow White, Belle, Jasmine, Rapunzel, Tiana, Ariel and Aurora. Only the Beast and Aladdin are represented on the prince side. And why the Beast? Ariel doesn't still have her fins at the end (or as her plastic self) so why is the Beast still a Beast and not Prince Adam? Not fair.

When do the other ladies of Disney get their chateau? Some little log cabin or condo for Mulan, Megara, Merida, Giselle, Jane, Kida, and Pocahontas? Some of which are more brave and noble and noteworthy than the princesses who didn't follow directions and slept through half their adventures.


So I put the princesses and any corresponding princes in their respective rooms in the castle. Naturally Anna pulls them out, one at a time.

For some reason though, Snow White is always kicked off Princess Castle Island first.

Maybe she doesn't approve of her lifestyle of living with seven men?

Saturday, November 16, 2013

The Epic Return

We are back! 

We are moved into our new house. We have Internet. The government is running (sort of.) 

I love this house! Things aren't quite in order, but one of my favorite parts is. 

Yes! Let the reading begin!

Oh, and blogging.