Thursday, May 16, 2013

The Blog Experiment

So I guess I might have skipped this part a little bit. Why start a blog? What's my motivation? What do I hope to achieve?

To be honest, I think I found mommy blogs by accident during a late night feeding. I found one or two incredibly helpful and funny and follow them fairly regularly (thanks Top Mommy Blogs!). I think I found them comforting in a way only a new mom really can. I found a reassurance in them that I was not the only one thinking I was losing my mind, being a bad parent, or ignoring my husband. They've made me understand that every child and every parent is different, and the most important thing you can do is trust your instincts.

And if your instincts fail you, Google that shit. Cause I have no idea how the hell I'm gonna clip this kids nails without her losing a digit.


I've always been a decent storyteller (at least in person), and I've always had a passion for writing (wait till you hear about the Star Wars fanfic - welcome to Geekville : ) ).

So why not? I had plenty of observations regarding pregnancy, a couple of good stories, and a decent sense of humor regarding parenthood. Maybe my blog would help someone else the way others have helped me.

Maybe I wanted to document my inner thoughts on being a parent. Maybe I do it so I don't freak out at my husband over the small stuff. Maybe I do it so others have an easier time finding answers (or comfort) than I did. Maybe I do it to document my daughter's hilarious antics (and with parents like us, she will be quite interesting) for her to read about when she's older (MUCH older). Maybe I do it because it feels good to get it all out of my system. Maybe I do it because it comforts me.

Or maybe I do it because the breast pump is in the study. Where my computer is.

Nah, that can't be it.

Well, regardless of my why, I'm sure that I will figure it out. Parenthood is an adventure, and I intend to learn and share as much as I can.

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