Monday, July 1, 2013

The Rookie Mistake

Well, one of many mistakes.

Anna was born in March, when there isn't a lot of sunshine and it's pretty frelling cold. Fast forward to June, when it's 90 degrees one day and 54 the next (welcome to New England).

My husband and I aren't HUGE outdoor enthusiasts, unless it comes to one thing: WATER. Ocean, lakes, you name it we're there. Anna is also a big water enthusiast.

But I digress.

Part of taking Anna out means going outside. As someone who is allergic to the sun (read: burns easily), and one who also knows more than human beings need to know about skin cancer, if Anna's going to be in the sun, she's going to wear sunscreen. End of story.

Until we brought her out and someone mentioned quite loudly that babies aren't supposed to wear sunscreen until they are six months old.


News to me. Anna's only gotten sunscreen a handful of times in her 4 short months, and granted the mother that said it was only one month my senior (in terms of motherhood). And her baby was out in the sun. With a sleeveless onesie, no shoes, and a hat. That's it.

We at least made an attempt to cover Anna up. She had on a sleeveless onesie, and we wrapped her in a cool cloth. She had on a hat and was constantly being turned to face AWAY from the sun or ducking under tents that were not ours.

There will be no tomato babies in this house.

And if she absolutely HAS to be in the sun, doctors prefer there is sunscreen. So there. Rookie mistake. Got it.

P.S. Do yourself a favor. Google 'tomato baby'. DO NOT I repeat DO NOT Google 'sunburned baby'. DON'T DO IT!

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