I also wanted to keep track of feedings, bowel movements, etc., since I had seen my sister-in-law doing it and felt I should do it too. Just because. So I downloaded a few free baby apps to help keep track of these as well.
I was ready.
And then I had the baby.
And all that went out the window.
In between the feedings, the diapers, the visits from family, and god forbid, getting any sleep, NOBODY HAS TIME FOR THAT CRAP.
I mean really. There are a million other things I would rather be doing than to fill out every bowel movement, estimate every ounce she eats, and other nonessential information that I'm sure as a grown woman she can live without knowing.
Look at this:
Are you kidding? I need to record her mood, her activity level?
That app was deleted.
I did a few pages of Anna's book one night in an attempt to be a good mom. I didn't get too far. Because really, I don't remember when she first started to smile, I just know that she can. And I LOVED IT. And I didn't feel the need to record it the moment it happened. I was busy ENJOYING IT.
So my advice, as a rookie mom, is to just skip the books and the apps. If you really need to remember how much she eats or poops, your doctor will ask you to record it. Use a pen and paper. More reliable, and you and your spouse can both use it. Use notes from her doctors visits to record milestones. That way you can enjoy them when they come along. Seriously, no one wins any awards because their three month old can roll over before someone else's three month old. Just enjoy them. If you really need to keep track, try this:
Make the child a Facebook page. Restrict it as much as possible. When the child makes accomplishments, or when you take photos, tag them. Bam. Instant baby book. You can also restrict friends with your child to family and prevent crazy people from getting your child's information.
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