Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Clothes Expansion

So of course, I gained weight during my pregnancy, as all pregnant women do (and should). During my pregnancy, I also forgot to cheat on my glucose sugar test developed gestational diabetes. Mild gestational diabetes, which I managed to keep in check through diet alone.

Chalk one up for me.

Because apparently this is difficult to do, considering the confused/shocked looks on doctors and nurses faces each time I had to explain myself.

But my numbers spoke for themselves.

Anyhoo, this resulted in a change in diet that, by the time of my first postpartum weigh in, has somehow caused me to weigh LESS than I did before I got pregnant.

I'll let you do the math.

This revelation in body weight, combined with my sister's weight loss inspiration and the weight loss success from another mother's blog that I read....well you can guess.

I've decided to run a 5K.

Not lose weight, per se. I never really bothered with the scale to begin with. I don't judge my weight with a number, but more by my shape and how I feel.

So for now the number of miles I run will be my number.

Keep in mind, I hate to run. Like I would rather have a root canal, than run. It's boring. I don't like hills. Running hurts your joints.

But I'm going to do it. Along with my other weekly exercise routines that I have missed for the past nine months.

My goal: The Large Underbed Box.

I used to sort my clothes by season. Put winter stuff away, pull summer stuff out, rotate, etc. All sizes were included, whether they fit or not.

I recently changed this. I tried on almost all my clothes and sorted them by size. I have all my XL clothes out. I also have the Large Underbed Box and the Medium Underbed Box.

I'm a pessimist, so I'm going to aim for the Large and pray for the Medium.

And maybe this blog will hold me to it.

Also, the fact that I have two dressers and a closet full of clothes (and a rack of "nice" clothes downstairs) PLUS two underbed boxes of clothes doesn't make me a bad person, right?


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