When things like the Boston Marathon explosions happen, it makes me sick to my stomach. Senseless acts of violence like these make me rethink having children. I work in Boston, and thankfully was out of the city at the time. But I have numerous family and friends in the city, and I am waiting to hear from each of them that they are safe.
It's too early to know for sure what has happened. Facebook has been a lifesaver in determining if family, friends, and other loved ones (I always wonder about this third group. If they aren't family, and they aren't friends, who the hell are they?) are safe. I never thought I would thank God for social media, but today I did.
Days like today are days when you kiss your partner a little longer, hug your children a little tighter. Read one more bedtime story. Snuggle for just one more minute. Breathe them in, love them like you have never loved them before.
Today I left Anna with her grammie while her father is out bowling and I am out running errands. I won't see her until tonight, but I cannot wait to hold her in my arms again. To kiss my husband goodnight. To hug my mother and father and tell them I love them.
I'm sure the truth will reach us eventually. Until then, a friend shared this with me:
If I do need to watch and get information on what happened, I'm going to look for the helpers. I'm going to look for those stories of heroes who stepped up when someone needed them to.
Please keep Boston in your prayers.
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