You might have heard - I have a newborn.
She sleeps through the night now (read: YAY CEREAL!), but unfortunately, my boobs and I are still getting up at least every 6 hours to pump.
That's right.
We're five months into this thing and I'm still pumping.
Plus, for some reason, the baby monitor has found a permanent home on MY nightstand. (Mental note: Disable monitor or unplug and stick under husband's pillow.) So I get up with her if she
So, less than 5 hours a night.
I live for Thursdays and weekends.
And caffeine.
Now while my brain realizes there is no caffeine in Coolattas, my body doesn't (ssshhhhhh).
So now and again, during the week, I treat myself to one to wake me up. Or so I don't crash and burn on the highway.
Anyhoo, part of my work entails learning to live a cleaner, more eco-friendly lifestyle. Which includes one of these babies:
Which they so kindly filled on Monday.
But not on Wednesday. Because he would have to use a plastic cup to make it, then pour it in.
FIRST - why the hell are you still using styrofoam? They make compostable coffee cups, and styrofoam sucks! If you don't know why - LEARN WHY.
Second, what the FRELL is the point of having a reusable travel container if you are going to make my drink in a separate cup, pour it into my cup, and then throw out the other cup?!?
Is it an issue of sanitation? You can't use your stirrer thing in my cup because of germs? OK, I get it. BUT YOU STERILIZE THE THING EVERY TIME YOU USE IT.
So I harumph on that argument.
You can't possibly be saving money this way. But you are pissing off customers who have these containers for a reason. As the saying goes: "How can it be deemed less effort to drill for oil, ship it to a factory, turn it into a plastic spoon, package it, ship it to the store, buy it, bring it home, use it, and then throw it away, then it is to just WASH THE DAMN SPOON WHEN YOU ARE DONE WITH IT?"
Ok, I might have edited that a bit.
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